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The opening titles for Walking With Dinosaurs. Walking With Dinosaurs S1 Ep6 De.a.th of a Dynasty Walking With Dinosaurs S1 Ep5 Spirit of the Ice Forest. Walking With Dinosaurs S1 Ep2 Time of the Titans. The feature film is directed by Barry Cook, who was a director for Mulan (1998) and the co-director for Arthur Christmas (2011), and by Neil Nightingale, creative director at BBC Earth. iseries, was produced by BBC Earth, an arm of BBC Worldwide that was launched in 2009.
i-series, exciting, thrilling Dazzling computer animation highlights this six-hour speculative documentary following the lives of dinosaurs from their beginning to their zenith - and their eventual decline during the Cretaceous period. Voor de reeks maakte Kenneth Branagh op echt bestaande locaties beelden en mengde deze met computer gegenereerde dino's uten per aflevering Documentaire | Animatie | Historisch IMDB 8.5/3014 Documentairereeks over de dinosaurussen. Voor de Engelse televisie werd de commentaarstem. De serie is een coproductie van BBC en Discovery Channel. Hierdoor werden de uitgestorven dieren weer tot leven gewekt en in bestaande landschappen geplaatst. Walking with Dinosaurs is vormgegeven als een natuurdocumentaire waarin met behulp van CGI en animatronics het leven uit het Mesozoïcum wordt gereconstrueerd. Walking with Dinosaurs is een Engelse televisieserie uit 1999 over dinosauriërs en andere uitgestorven diersoorten. The series was subsequently aired in the United States on the Discovery Channel with Branagh's narration replaced with that of Avery Brooks i-series that was produced by the BBC, narrated by Kenneth Branagh, and first aired in the United Kingdom in 1999. The series first aired on the BBC in the United Kingdom in 1999 with narration by Kenneth Branagh
iseries created by Tim Haines and produced by BBC Natural History Unit. Documentary-style series about the era of the dinosaurs, mixing real locations and CGI Walking with Dinosaurs: With Kenneth Branagh, Avery Brooks, André Dussollier.
Home Walking with Dinosaurs (1999) Walking with Dinosaurs (TV Mini Series 1999) - IMD